Conditions for collaboration
Conditions to foster collaboration
How might we bring people from extremely diverse backgrounds and activate them to work towards a common objective?
#Facilitation #DesignResearch #Capstone
Org: The New School || Location: NYC || Date: Sep - Dec 2018 || Role: Design Researcher & Visual Lead
Tackling global wicked problems require the coming together of actors from diverse fields, disciplines, and backgrounds, to pull knowledge and resources and work towards solving various parts of a complex system.
Over the past few decades, we have seen ‘design’ evolved from a craft to practice to now, a mode of strategic thinking across sectors. However, to address complex systems, designers need to be equipped to facilitate the coming together of diverse entities, shape collaboration and nudge interactions towards a more human(ity) centered approach. To take a step towards this direction, it is essential that we first understand the conditions that foster such collaboration in the face of diversity.
My role
Beyond conducting human-centered research, I took also the role of the graphics lead working with Illustrator and InDesign to create diagrams, visuals, and final book. I also took on the role of data analysis, using tools as Google data studio, and google sheets to find patterns and opportunities through the data.
Midway Process Review
We embark on a 15 weeks’ journey of design research going through the whole process, from desk research to qualitative interviews, observations, and synthesis. We conducted the study with a wide range of individuals who have shaped and participated in collaborative groups across 17 countries, representing perspectives from the corporate sector, educational institutes, non-profit organizations, government departments, international organizations and local, community groups.
These insights collected from surveys and in-depth interviews, augmented with personal experiments and observations revealed 3 recurring challenges that hinder collaboration; building trust, developing empathy, and/or increasing participation. Furthermore, the study also revealed a set of conditions that were important to overcome each of these challenges and foster effective collaboration.
Our aim is to inspire and kick off a conversation around the challenges and conditions for collaboration. We hope to invite practitioners in this field to share their experiences and help grow and evolve this body of knowledge. See an extract of our report below. To access our final report please go here.
Lessons learnt
As I reflect on the process, I would have explored more analog spaces beyond organizations and communities. For instance, looking at the spaces/places where people come together (sports events, emergencies, etc). Moving forward I will craft time and opportunities for me to get inspiration from the non-obvious and contradicting spaces of each topic.